Our Story — Helping Point

Our Story

Helping Point was founded by Bidyuta Singh in 2001 in the state of Odisha and has since grown to serve multiple communities across both Odisha and Andhra Pradesh. Helping Point ministries continue to be directed primarily by Bidyuta and his wife Deepa, although they now employ over 45 staff members. This is Bidyuta’s story.

At the age of 23, Bidyuta had just completed his post-secondary studies in Economics, and was looking forward to all the potential opportunities that life as an educated man in India might provide. God, however, had slightly different plans in mind. While helping a friend on a farm, Bidyuta was caught in a terrible accident that left him in the hospital for months, unlikely to ever walk again. That first night in a rural, under-equipped hospital, with his faithful Christian mother sleeping at his bedside, Bidyuta had what he can only describe as a vision of being able to walk again. Bidyuta woke his mother, who encouraged him to read his Bible and pray, believing it had been a sign from God. Bidyuta began to fervently read his Bible, and pray. As he recounts the story he says “I promised God that if He would grant it that I should walk again, I would walk only to do His work.” Throughout the following months, Bidyuta began the slow and painful path to recovery, and was able to return to full mobility. He has since dedicated his life to sharing God’s love and doing His work.

After some time at a large organization in Delhi, Bidyuta felt called to share God’s love in the rural area of India where he grew up, as this area was largely neglected by other missionary and charity organizations. In 2001, Bidyuta, along with 4 other people from local villages, started to respond to God’s call to serve this area. Initially they founded a number of Community Centres where children could receive additional support with their studies. The public education system had failed to provide adequate education, limiting the potential of many of these children and contributing to the persisting cycle of poverty.

By mentoring these children and providing them with free education and tutoring, Bidyuta and his colleagues began to develop relationships with families in the area. These relationships with the community are foundational to how Helping Point's shares the love of Christ. Helping Point’s reputation of care and educational empowerment has resulted in an expansion of Community Centres across the area.

As Helping Point grew, it began to establish churches where people could go to learn about the Bible and grow in fellowship with other Christians.  A Community Centre staff member often assumed the role of pastor of the church, allowing for the continuation of previously built relationships in the community. These pastors took on the responsibility of caring for the spiritual and physical needs of their congregation. Slowly these churches grew, as members began to share the love that they had received from God with their neighbours.

In 2002, Helping Point wanted to serve the rural community by providing education for children who may otherwise not receive schooling at all. St. Simon’s English School was established to meet this need. Most of the children are not required to pay tuition, allowing Helping Point to reach out to the poorest members of the surrounding communities. The children are taught English as well as other subjects in an environment that glorifies Christ and proclaims His gospel.

Since opening St. Simon's School, Helping Point continues to grow, establishing new projects in the most rural and remote villages in India, training new staff members to teach and care for their neighbours, and displaying the love of Christ through teaching and acts of service.